
网站对站通道 网络安全团队需要你提供点信息
来帮助我们 使用后续步骤 创建票并填满


  1. 登录到华体会联盟hthMyRackspace门户使用用户名

  2. 顶部导航栏选择选择产品>专用宿主.

  3. 选择车票>创建车票.上头创建新票页显示器

  4. 选择题材字段内

  5. 进门题材类型VPN隧道创建并按输入.

  6. 拷贝下表并贴入票中并填入细节

华体会联盟hth=========================================================== 01 – IKE Version 1 or IKE Version 2:  02 - Manufacturer and model number of the VPN device that is used on the side opposite Rackspace:  03 - Public IP of the VPN device (peer address):  04 – Your encryption domain: Remote IP addresses or networks that should communicate across this VPN:  05 – Rackspace encryption domain: Rackspace IP addresses or networks that you want communicate across this VPN:  06 – Phase 1 Encryption Algorithm [AES-128/192/256]:  07 – Phase 1 Hash Algorithm [MD5, SHA1, SHA256*/SHA384*/SHA512*]:  08 – Phase 1 Diffie Hellman Group [2, 5, 14*, 19*, 20*, 21*]:  09 – Phase 1 Pseudorandom Function (PRF)* [MD5, SHA1, SHA256, SHA384, SHA512]:  10 – Phase 1 Lifetime, in seconds**:  11 - IKEv1 Pre-shared key [password of your choice](skip to 12 and 13 for IKEv2):  12 – IKEv2 Local (Rackspace) Pre-shared key:  13 - IKEv2 Remote (your side) Pre-shared key:  ### Note that the Local and Remote Pre-shared keys can be identical, if you want ###  14 – Phase 2 Encryption Algorithm [AES-128/192/256]:  15 – Phase 2 Hash Algorithm [MD5, SHA1, SHA256*/SHA384*/SHA512*]:  16 – Is Perfect Forward Secrecy (PFS) enabled?ikEv2通常不需要匹配VPN同业者, 避免VPN稳定性问题常用第一阶段86400秒或28800秒第二阶段寿命优于第一阶段,通常为28800秒或3600秒**注:**所有新的IPSec通道因潜在的登录安全风险而停止使用DH组1、2和5推荐14组或更好



  • AES系统高级加密标准
  • DH迪菲赫尔曼
  • IKE:互联网密钥交换
  • IPSEC互联网协议安全
  • MD5消息文摘算法5
  • PFS系统完美前向保密
  • PRF系统edorandom函数
  • SHA安全哈希算法
  • VPN系统虚拟专用网络
